The application period is now closed.

Monrovia Unified School District’s Board of Education seeks an exceptional and collegial leader. The Board has the expectation of a long-term appointment with a leader who can maintain and build on the District’s strengths and potential as their
Superintendent of Schools
The District and Community
The Monrovia Unified School District (MUSD) is located in the foothill community of Monrovia, a 136-year-old city in the northeast San Gabriel Valley. MUSD is comprised of an early learning center, five elementary schools, two middle schools, one comprehensive high school, one alternative school, one independent study school, and one community adult school. By working actively and cooperatively as students, staff, parents, and community, the Monrovia Unified School District is committed to devoting its energy, resources, and support to provide academically rigorous educational programs that foster creative and analytical thinking, empathy, collaboration, resiliency, adaptability, and responsibility while developing globally- minded students. The Board of Education and District leadership share a vision for MUSD to be an exemplary school district by empowering all students to reach their highest potential through innovative, engaging, and personalized learning experiences. MUSD serves a diverse community of approximately 5,100 students. The ethnic population can be described as 64.6% Hispanic, 16.6% White, 6.7% Asian American, 4.6% African American, 2.5% Filipino, and 4.7% multiple ethnicities. Fifty-four percent of the students are designated as socioeconomically disadvantaged, 11.1% are English-learners and 0.5% Foster Youth.
The District serves its diverse community through multiple programs and innovative opportunities for student learning. The District’s goals are to be on the leading edge of excellence in academics, arts, and athletics, to maintain long-term fiscal health, to thoroughly integrate technology, and to improve and enhance critical thinking and communication strategies.
Focus Areas
- College, career, and life-prepared graduates
- Exemplary educators
- Supportive, inclusive, and student-centered school cultures
- Engaged parents, families, and community
The Monrovia Unified School District exists to provide all students with an exceptional education, ensuring all graduate fully prepared for college, career, and life.
Our vision is to be an exemplary school district by empowering all students to reach their highest potential through innovative, engaging, and personalized learning experiences.
Core Values
- Student-Centered
- Equity
- Transparency
- Excellence
- Accountability
- Coherence
- Trust
- Collaboration
- 19 prestigious Golden Bell Awards for model programs and services
- 6 Gold Ribbon Schools
- 5 PBIS Silver Award Winning Schools
- 2 National Schools to Watch
- 2 Congressional App Challenge Winners
- 4 NSPRA and CALSPRA Awards for Videos Produced in House
- AP School Honor Roll Silver Award at Monrovia High School
- Multiple County and State Teacher of the Year Finalists
- Multiple schools on AP News Best Schools List
District Strengths, Needs/Critical Issues, and the Characteristics Desired in a New Superintendent
Board members, parents, certificated and classified staff, students, and community members participated in a process to identify the strengths and needs/critical issues of the Monrovia Unified School District, and the characteristics desired in their new Superintendent. The process was organized and facilitated by members of The Cosca Group. Stakeholders participated through in-person focus groups, videoconference meetings, phone calls, and an online survey. The Board of Trustees prioritized the results of the input as follows:
Strengths of the District
- We offer a robust variety of programs and opportunities for students at all levels throughout the District
- We benefit from the longevity of staff, many of whom are District alumni
- We are student-centered, placing value on the whole child, including social-emotional health
- We have a diverse student body, staff, and community in a small district with a family feeling
- We are a multi-generational community with engaged and supportive parents, community members, and businesses
- Our community recently passed a bond measure to upgrade facilities
- Our Board of Education is responsive and works well together
- Our teachers, administrators, and staff members are dedicated and committed to doing what is best for students
- Our students are able to have academic success at the highest level
Greatest Needs/Critical Issues Facing the District
- Declining enrollment
- Fiscal uncertainty
- Address learning loss and increase student achievement for a diverse population
- Ensure equitable practices for all students, including equitable grading
- Hire and retain the most qualified staff members and provide competitive salaries
- A superintendent who dedicates time to understand employees, the community, our partners, and our history
Desired Characteristics of the New Superintendent
- Honesty, integrity, and a strong moral compass
- Puts students’ needs first
- Values diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Experience as a teacher, principal, and district leader with a demonstrated record of managing change
- Effective communicator and listener who values input and ideas from students, staff, parents, and community members
- Visible, engaged, accessible
- Has a broad understanding of District operations and fiscal expertise
- Honors District history and culture
- Has a proven track record of uniting students, staff, parents, and community members around a mission, vision, and core values
- Able to make difficult decisions while fostering a culture of collaboration and empathy
- Understands and respects the Superintendent’s role and relationship with all Board members
Jennifer Anderson, President
Rob Hammond, Vice-President
Maritza Travanti, Clerk
Selene Lockerbie, Member
Traci Gholar, Member
The Selection and Application Process
Mr. Joel Shapiro and Ms. Pat Puleo of The Cosca Group (TCG) have been retained by the Monrovia Unified School District Board of Trustees for the search, recruitment, screening, and selection process for the new Superintendent of Schools.
Interested applicants must submit all of the following to be received by The Cosca Group on or before April 5, 2024:
- Completed Application Form (as provided herein)
- Personal Letter of Application
- Resume including record of professional education and professional experiences
- Letters from five professional references (three of which must be current, within the past 12 months)
During the screening process, reference checks will be made with those familiar with candidates’ professional performance. Board members will visit the district and community of the final candidate.
Send Completed Application and Related Information electronically to:
The Cosca Group
c/o Mr. Joel Shapiro and Ms. Pat Puleo
All material must be received by the deadline of 5:00 p.m. on April 5, 2024
The successful candidate will be offered a multi-year contract with a competitive and negotiable salary based on qualifications and experience.
For additional information, please contact: